
1. A friend, comrade or associate.

2. A salutory phrase, originating in Omaha, Nebraska.

3. Teeves
Ex 1. Yo my dude what it is?

Ex 2. shout out to my dude Freekey Zekey

Ex 3. Ey yo teeves man
by My dude NPH May 2, 2010
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When you're too retarded and/or lazy to try to fish someone's name from the depths of your endlessly blank mind to address them properly.
"Get out of my seat, my dude"
Eugene: "Eugene hails to NO ONE! ALLAH ACKBAAAAR"
by MemesNotMorons February 9, 2017
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The white boy equivalent of "My nigga!"

Usually used in place of a name or title.
Infrequently used to represent a boyfriend or male companion, otherwise referred to as my mans.
Can also be used as a greeting or salutation.
Bruh #1: "What is up my dudes?"
Bruh #2: "Yo, lil homie, how you doin'"
Bruh #3: "What up, bruh"
by a dude, probably August 3, 2019
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"It is Wednesday my dudes"
by jjbranco April 17, 2016
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1. When your dude makes a sick grab or clean huck and you bend over and point at your ass through your legs and yell Ass My Dude!
2. When your dude wins an arcade game big and you yell Ass My Dude!
Someone's dude- *Bids for a full field flick for two points*
Someone- Ass My Dude!
by wwwvfreshman January 22, 2019
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