There's a mullet floatin around in your washing machine, Irma.
by Bumkicker Slade April 30, 2005
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Common name for any of the following haircuts: camro cut, beaver paddle, 10/90 cut, the joe dirt, and many others. It is an identifying trademark of the redneck lifestyle.
Dude, that guy had a mullet 5 feeet long!
by Rusty S. February 1, 2004
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"tell your barber your sick of looking like an asshole"-wesley willis
by maggot June 18, 2004
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Fo' shizzle! Check out that Camar-drivin' trailerpark trash at
by Mullet Man #1 April 23, 2003
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Mississippi Mudslide. Commonly seen by people driving camaro's made in the 80's.
by Anonymous February 14, 2003
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That guy had a good mullet but his girlfriend had a real 10 90
by zng February 26, 2006
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A hairstyle worn by men or women; the front of a mullet is anywhere from 1-2 inches long and sticks up while the back is often shoulder-length.
by Adrienne June 18, 2004
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