Media Take Out - Popular black gossip website
MTO has some good stories
by Because of Oz December 28, 2007
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Acronym for Masturbating tabbed out. Usually refering to being out of game screen and unable to see chat due to the need for self gratification. Usually accompanied with watching internet porn.
Brb, Mto.

Again!? didn't you just get off?
by Lagsalot April 25, 2010
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MTO is made to order another way of saying bespoke, created for you only.
Those sneakers are MTO by The Surgeon.
You know his whole fit is MTO.
by AstralArrow May 15, 2023
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Multiple Tongue Orgasms - the burst of flavor you get when biting into something delicious.
"Have you tried that apple pie yet? MTO's all the way, baby'
by Shekhina November 30, 2008
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Acronym for "Man Talk Organization". A group founded by 5 viet dudes.... and tuan.
by sonsterz April 21, 2008
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We don't worry about they because they don't want us to win, but MTO (My team on).
by Misunderstood Destroyer December 28, 2016
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Money Talk Only
It’s MTO all summer long brotha
by Kizzy Jix October 1, 2021
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