Who needs to watch a whole movie nowadays? The first ten minutes give you enough of the story, while the last thirty minutes contain most of the movie's action.
It's the 10/30 method.

I must give credit to Javier for this one.
I watched District 9 using the 10/30 movie watching method. Great movie.
by giant in Korea February 3, 2010
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,v.1)code term for smoking THC containing flora. 2) code term for making out and/or scoring
Me and Kristen watched movies and then watched more movies.
by ceelo March 24, 2003
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{Verb} It just basically means incest.
(IM) Hey, well, I got to go.. I''' be watching movies with my sister.
(IM response) Really? What is that? Is that like, code word for incest?
(IM) Mmhmm.
by Sweeten May 27, 2008
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A movie that has plenty of eye-candy to see, therefore worth watching without sound just to look at the good-looking people.
"Who's in that new movie coming out this weekend?"

"Ryan Reynold's, and the previews show him shirtless!"

"That's a movie you could watch muted!"
by Shmily51102 March 16, 2012
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Hello, 22 May is a national day to watch TV series and movies all day, without a break so enjoy
22 may - a day to watch movies all days
by real.cheese May 22, 2022
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Today is a day to watch TV series and movies all day

Girl - Hi, do you want to go out?

Me - No I will not be able to watch movies and TV series
22 may - a day to watch movies all day
by real.cheese May 22, 2022
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What you tell your friends to trick them when you are caught sleeping with someone they know, even though it is so blatantly obvious that you slept together. Very futile trick yet the 'perpetrator' is typically convinced of its effectiveness.
Friend 1: I saw that "Insert name here" stayed over last night, was she in your room?

Friend 2: *Thinks so self 'Oh no they caught me I gotta be clever'* Yeah we just watched movies until we both fell asleep
Friend 1: So you slept in the same bed?
Friend 2: Yeah but I swear we only watched movies
Friend 1: Yeah sure man *wink* that's why there's a condom wrapper on the bottom of your bed
by LoopyEngineer February 3, 2018
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