moon walk

a cool looking dance created by Michael Jackson
the moon walk looks like there is no gravity or he's levitating
by Dowy July 10, 2009
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moon walk

when a dog walks and sits simultaniously in order to get the cling-ons off his ass. see wordscooter poopword
dammit, the dog is moon walking again. and all over the bed too! damn dog.
by namey mcnameberson August 1, 2003
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moon walking

When you have to take a shit so bad, you have to walk slow, like you are on the moon, on your way to the bathroom.
I was holding my poop for so long at Walmart, I was moon walking all the way to the stalls. I didn't make it though and I crapped by the tvs.
by Carve a ham! August 17, 2011
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moon walks

Dawg, I Swear them moon walks was pullin a Michael Jakson at the light! Dem hoes was choppin like a lumber jack!
by Big Nic A.K.A. Baby Blue June 2, 2003
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Finger moon walk

Finger moon walking means I am in great pain please help me or just Fuck you depends on the situation
Bro I found the true meaning of life and I'm one with my true self , me *finger moon walk * cool dude 😎
by 7anouni November 22, 2022
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cranberry moon walk

Means to kill Tony Thompson while sayin E Honda E Honda E Honda
Kill tony Thompson to cranberry moon walk
by street fighter February 10, 2014
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In Super Smash Bros. Melee, characters who's walk-acceleration is lower than their traction value after wavelanding backwards can buffer a slight walk forwards to decrease the momentum lost. The walk input must be at its lowest value to perfectly execute the tech. (rough translation of inputs) Characters with low traction (Luigi) benefit worse than those with higher traction values in Melee. (i.e Gannondorf can benefit from the Koopa Backdash Wave Slide Hover Walk Moon Landing more than Luigi in terms of distance)
Youtube has more info on this.
The Koopa-Backdash-Wave-Slide-Hover-Walk-Moon-Landing can make virtually anyone feel like they are playing on ice.
by Do_mmar September 11, 2020
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