certiest guy ever will smoke you top stoner and dealer
mkays sexy
by mkay 1 July 6, 2022
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A skid that likes to think that he is bad but really isn't, also he wants people to think that he is something special even though he is a waste of sperm and should have been aborted before birth. Mkay is also a stupid nickname to call yourself because it is a name of a famous rapper which means he is a wannabe rapper which he is definitely isn't since he cant rap to save his life, he thinks he can afford a lot of things even though his net worth is approximately -£10000.
by L1B9 August 4, 2022
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A word used by a child named Austin after he can’t take the heat and starts to cry.
“why are you so annoying, what is your problem?”

by Poodogwoodog December 8, 2019
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