Mislav is the sexiest man alive,also has a huge ass penis.
He was going on a date and on the way back to the car with his date,they never left the car.
OMG Mislav is so sexy
by Someone the sexiest November 10, 2019
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Mislav is the sexiest man alive . Mislav is one of the best friends you can have . Every Mislav have special ability like they can clap with their bolls . My Mislav face 3 abilities . First is he can sing when he flies on dicks . Second is he can play jingle bells with his hair in ass hole . And the third one is that he has a dog called Allfucker because he fucks everything he see and everything he possibly can .
Hey men who is Mislav?
- He's master of his own music.
by Noge ti smrdiju June 11, 2020
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The cattle was looking rather sick, so I mislaved it with my trumpet.
by Yami Yugi November 10, 2007
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Mislav is gay.on je srbin.he likes big black lazy dicks.
by mislav is gay April 15, 2019
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A typical SLAV probably originating from Serbia but tells his classmates that he is from Croatia. He is a very nice guy and sometimes helpful but can be lazy at times. He likes coc-e and leaves his school work until the night before. He likes to go to Kosovo for his school project but he doesn't realize that he could get blown up as soon as he sets foot in the city. His friends bully him but he still takes it as a compliment.
Mislav loves coc-e yehhh

Mislav u look like a serbian but why do you say you are from croatia
by Bob Ross Legend Painter December 11, 2018
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the most beautiful creature on this planet. in the universe too, probably.
wow, he's almost as beautiful as mislav maldini!!but almost.
by neka tamo zenska ko zna September 21, 2018
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the most beautiful creature on the planet. in the universe too, probably.
wow, he's almost as beautiful as mislav maldini!!but almost.
by neka tamo zenska ko zna September 21, 2018
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