Military Intelligence

Combat Support Branch of the US Army
He branched MI after taking ROTC in College.
by Jeremey April 24, 2005
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Rice in Chinese

The last name of a very big asian that lives in New York, studies at Tulane, and will be traveling the world as a Army Officer.
My most favorite person in the world is David Mi.
by David Mi May 5, 2005
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An abreviation of Mobile Infantry
Mobile Infantry, from Starship Troopers (good book, shite movie)
by Dirge December 24, 2004
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To mi mi - bigging up ones achievements for personal gain (especially in the work place).

Kissing arse (usually your boss') to improve your position in the organisation. This would get you mi mi points.

General brown nosing.

Can be represented very well by using the world's smallest mittens or by making a mouth with your hands as if using a sock puppet whilst articulating the words.
'Roger got some mi mi points today when he told Sandra she was wearing a lovely blouse.'

'Fred mi mi'ed today when he claimed Steve Jobs' powerpoint presentation was his own.'

'Jo: 'I've just had a great meeting with the boss - they are really pleased with the work I have done.'

Mary (whilst motioning with her hand): 'MI MI MI MI!'
by Sandwich-ville August 17, 2011
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Warmest and sweetest

Gentle sensitive loving

Bright clever and sharp
Mi is not me
Mi is you!
by NeverSayNever57 May 8, 2023
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another way to say "my". frequently found on people's profiles.
i'm cool wiv mi m8s, they're da best eva!
by International Bad Boy September 4, 2004
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Abbreviation for Michigan; the mitten state and home of the great lakes!
by spamonie456 September 21, 2008
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