by Anime-luvah January 22, 2006
Logan told Jordan, his baby momma, that he would get her the child support by this Friday. While rolling her eyes Jordan replied, "mhmm".
by Bobby Fizzle March 23, 2018
This word is usally used to say 'sure', 'yes', or 'okay'. sometimes you use a sarcastic was being like 'sureeee i believe you'. I sometimes use it when there is just nothing to say.
Rob: 'She is H-O-T, HOT!'
John: 'mhmm'
Rob: 'Yesterday I went skinny dipping in the sand.'
John: 'mhmm'
John: 'mhmm'
Rob: 'Yesterday I went skinny dipping in the sand.'
John: 'mhmm'
by LetACryOut March 1, 2009
by Ryan1090 June 10, 2008
by IloveJinglez August 29, 2009
by SlickMVPSMITH September 22, 2017