Mattaya is a tall, beautiful girl with a huge heart and so much love for her family and friends, she’ll give you trust and respect but if you cross her she’ll never forget! She’s a reliable and honest person who enjoys the simple things in life especially food and travel
Person 1: Hey, do you know Mattaya?

Person 2: yeah she’s actually really cool!
by Moshi69 November 23, 2021
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When two people meet that are named Matt and Aya, they are ment to be.
Oh my god, doesn’t mattaya solos?!?
Oh how I love mattaya, it’s perfect!!

Mattaya solos.
by babaha February 9, 2023
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Mattaya is super nice and kind and awesome and loves her friends Stella and Laynie so much (look those names up later you won’t regret it) Mattaya is super duper funny and will never fail to make you laugh so hard. She is very loyal and friendly (sometimes) even though she is very weird we still love her (I think)
Her name is Mattaya

Wowza!! Mattaya is super rad!!

What a nifty girl!!
by superlitblueeyedchick November 21, 2021
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2 people named; matt and aya. Mattaya is the most strongest duo in every universe. Mattaya is the best duo ever in history and still is. Mattaya is history.
Oh I love mattaya they are so strong!!
by Mattaya solos February 11, 2023
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2 people named; matt and aya. Mattaya is the most strongest duo in every universe.
Mattaya is the best duo ever in history and still is. Mattaya is history.
Oh I love mattaya they are so strong!! They are the definition of solo!!
by Mattaya solos February 11, 2023
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2 people named; matt and aya. Mattaya is the most strongest duo in every universe.
Mattaya is the best duo ever in history and still is. Mattaya is history. Mattaya still continues making history.
Oh mattaya I love mattaya they are so strong!! I wish I could be like them. Mattaya for president!!
by Mattaya solos February 11, 2023
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