baddie, sexy, cute, hot, yum, shahads bestfriend
by shahooda September 18, 2020
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maha is a shit at the snapchat games and is beaten by zakir all the times how shit she is.
maha scored 1 point,
by big-dick-boy101 October 23, 2018
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a word invented by the rio tainy and hayley ppl. meaning oh shit in a depressing way.
girl: your going to die
by rio May 5, 2005
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Since the advent of MAGA, Americans have gotten waaaaaaaaaay to comfortable with saying “the quiet part out loud”. It’s hard to get one’s head around the idea that the base of the Republican Party represents what has been called “Right Wing Christian Nationalism” as part of a worldwide reaction to a demographically changing world.

A recent example: When Lauri Carleton’s Pride flag got torn down, she always replaced it with a bigger one. Then someone killed her over it.


For flying a flag.

In America.

Just a single example to be illustrative but not exhaustive. Urban Dictionary has a word/character count and I can’t possibly innumerate even just all of the most recent examples.

In order to make America great againMAGA; apparently, you first have to make America hate again — MAHA!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler August 24, 2023
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Maha is a girl you'll never meet again. She's perfect in every way: clothing, body, hair, eyes and her smile. Shes smart and cares about her grades alot. Shes loyal as hell and will make you feel reallyyy special If you have a maha in your life, keep her. Her eyes are really pretty and you will get lost in them. Although she makes mistakes, she'll always apologize. She has one of the best hearts in the world. Very empathetic. She can sometimes be rude but will always mean it in a funny way. Her sense of humor is too natural and one of the best. Teachers love her and boys are crazy about her. Maha love sher friends but always puts family before them. Keep maha is my advice to you! If you treat maha poorly, its ur loss and she might forgive you, but will never forget what you did..
is that Maha you were talking to?
ur lucky asf
by iwishiwasherfriend October 14, 2019
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Maha: a name defining beauty. Gentle and Soft like the rays of light in the morning. Courageous and bold like a wave of an ocean. Vibrant and pure. Maha is a bringer of joy and happiness, a fashionista. Able to create and bring dreams into reality. Gatherer, comforter, lover. Colorful in taste, mysterious in sense and alluring in form. Exquisite in taste, sensual and gracious. An achiever, a finisher, brilliant in everything. A wonderful
Friend, a giver of love and a heart made in the form of love.
Maha is amazing
by C_A_W October 6, 2018
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Arabic name meaning beautiful eyes. Every maha has gorgeous big round eyes, especially when they're babies.
"You've got gorgeous blue mahas."
by Ghawar il-Tosheh February 4, 2010
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