
1) Term used for looking and planning for the future.
2) Yet another great from Green Day. It's about masturbation and being lazy and lonely. From their album Dookie.
1) In the longview.
2) Have you got Longview on CD?
by jazzpup February 14, 2005
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1. City in south-western Washington.
2. Song by the popular band "Greenday." It is widely believed that the song was written after the band visited the city by the same name. It would appear to be true, as the song describes life in Longview perfectly.
1. Dude 1: LiKe Oh eM GeE!!1!1!111!!1eleventyone!11! Longview is so freakin' boring!
Dude 2: Indeed...Longview = teh s uck!

2. Dude 1: Did you know that the song Longview is about the city Longview?!
Dude 2: Yes I did...
Dude 1: Well, isn't that neato?!
Dude 2: Go choke on something...
by howverystrange August 24, 2006
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an awesome green day song that starts out very soft, then has lots of drumming and becomes powerful; the premise of the song is about a stoner who lives in his parent's basement, smokes weed, masturbates, and watches the world go by
Bite my lips and close my eyes,
Take me away to paradise,
I'm so damn bored that i'm going blind,
And lonliness has to surfice
by GreenDayIsTheBest April 16, 2004
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A park near William G. Enloe High School in Raleigh, North Carolina, where students frequently "chill" at the picnic tables and in the parking lot. Also known as "The LV", "The 'View."
Guy 1: Dude, you tryin' to match on a blunt?
Guy 2: Yeah bro, let's go to Longview.
Guy 3: I'll bring the Yuengling.
by r.i.p. everett September 5, 2006
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Another freakin awesome song by Green Day! Can be found on Dookie and International Superhits!
Longview chorus

Bite my lip and close my eyes
Take me away to paradise
I'm so damn bored I'm going blind
And i smell like shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
by Sazmaz December 14, 2006
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small nowhere town that leads everyone to nowhere land when they stay in Longview
by starrrrjones October 23, 2008
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a small town in east texas
thumbs up if you go to Pine Tree High School,
Longview High School,
or any other school in the 9OH!3
there's really nothing to do here
Dude: Longview is sooo boring man.
Chick: Yeah but PTHS is da shiiitttt.
by bitchesandhoesbitches December 9, 2010
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