Peruvian slang for a sexual act where after giving a man a blow job, he takes his cock and slaps his part er across the face with it.

In India this is known as an Engorged Elephant. girl gives great head so after she was done I gave her a sloppy llama.
by Mrez1047 July 30, 2022
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When a llama has a shartgasm all over people or fellow llama friends
That was a nasty llama shart and I got flipping soaked!!!!
by Bootyinyourface March 9, 2016
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Cuz I wanna get some photos of said lovely furry critters!
Knock, knock...
Who's there?
Alpaca, who?
Alpaca camera to the llama farm!
by QuacksO August 12, 2024
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The llamas that PewDiePie received after killing the animal’s og owner, the Wandering Trader. The Swedish YouTuber has since them kept them in a pen for safe keeping. In some episodes, you can see one of the llamas in a boat with Boat Cow. At the time of this posting, Pewds has not acknowledged this event.

Note that is is written early in the Minecraft series, so it may not be up to date in relevancy to the let’s play.
“Got the Boat Cow, got the Llama Guys...”
by child of cheesus August 6, 2019
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Gummer The Llama is a fucking cute-ass animal with stubby little legs, a poofy lil tail-ball, and eyes of hope. He is the absolute symbol of beauty and happiness. Everyone loves that motherfucker, or you're wrong.
"Oh my God, Gummer The Llama is so adorable."

"No, he's ugly."

"Well, you're wrong and I'm about to commit a hate crime because you said that."
by PowerTower920 July 19, 2019
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a part of the language munchkinish created by 6th graders meaning "hell hole"
"chicken nuggets and ketchup in a llama ledge"(go away and die in a hell hole)
by bitchimtired March 27, 2018
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