A person who is highly infatuated with someone else and is often refered to as a sap for this reason. The leech constantly follows to poor poor poor innocent infauated victim and stands by her constantly. The leech is often boring, emotionless and has a strange resemblance to c3po. This process is often refered to as leeching.
OI craig stop leeching onto mary u big sap. LEEECH - the leech replies - bleep bleep bleep and stands emotionless
by Lloyd1990 July 7, 2005
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Guy on irc that has every hentai manga known to man and some not known; able to type 80WPM while masturbating; has restraining orders in every city he moves into, to stay away from children
Leeches will have it, he has everything hentai
by Kamatari April 15, 2003
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netw3rkd™ aplz™ Kris
<mimikish> look up leech in the dictonary and it says 'see "aplz"
by DjOzzman December 5, 2003
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To benefit off of others without giving anything back in repayment
I don't have wifi in my house but it's ok, I leech off of the neighbors.

Man. Jessica is such a leech. She only comes over to use my wifi and eat my snacks.
by Prodigy20 December 29, 2016
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1.A person or machine who leeches off others jokes and uses them for his own pleasure as if it is his own.

2. a person or machine who quotes movies in an excessive way to get false laughs from their "friends".

3.Paul Dodd stealing jokes in an attempt to be "funny"
Paul Dodd
IE- Dude why is paul always quoting movies?, he is such a fucking Leech.
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A leech is like a roach but more insulting. No one likes a leech. they are most likely dirty and nasty and always ask for things. Usually girls. They are very loud and annoying and nobody likes them except for other leeches or worst, a roach.
Sammy is such a fucking leech
by JakeG237 March 25, 2019
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