Presenting a screenshot, A number, or some other vague premise to try and impress those without technical prowess.
"Man I was editing this video last night, shit had like 10 clips in it."

"You're leafying again."
by MongoMcMichaels November 26, 2016
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Reptilian: Hey do you watch Leafyishere on Youtube?

Man: No I don't watch filthy that reptile

by Reptilianscum October 13, 2015
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A man who resembles a 14 year old emo kid. He shops at Hot Topic or Spencers for all of his clothes. Is very good at making fun of your children, as well and autistic people. And uses 2/3rds of his YouTube videos to play a shifty video game, and talk in his nasally voice.
Wow, that guy sure looks like a leafy subscriber.
by OnisionTheKingOfCuck August 5, 2016
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by coco uvu January 19, 2021
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Leafy (leafies in plural) is a word for anthropomorphic plants and fungi with human characteristics.
Person 1: what are you drawing?

Person 2: Oh! Uhh.. I'm drawing a flower knight.. just leafy stuff..

Person 1: So you like leafies, huh? That's neat.
by Mis5 September 26, 2021
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An Internet bully with unfortunately no chin. There is hope for leafy however, I feel a chin will cure his cancerous ways.
Retard/ Cunt: "IM GAY!"
Leafy: "HA this fucking smurf is gay. Ready, one two three BOOP (changes from picture of retard to stock pear image) HAHAHAHAHA
by SmokedFalafel September 16, 2016
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