Used to refer to or insult a foolish person.

See also: dickhead
"He's such a knobhead."

"You absolute knobhead."
by Kelly December 23, 2004
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Like dickhead. Except with a knob.
That knobhead over there is an awful knobhead.
by Will May 12, 2003
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This word can be used in all circumstances and with anyone, especially students who like to expand their knowledge of English...
Kinky Bob is a knobhead!!!Who is unable to take the piss out of someone!!
by Tracey the lap dancer October 23, 2004
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See that guy who sits in his armchair watching Manchester United, he's a right knobhead
by Lollylol November 10, 2015
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Knobhead, aka a "Kevin", often found in meanial roles, always a Jobsworth and pain in the arse.
That storeman is a complete knobhead, he will never give us what we need.
Traffic wardens are all Kevins they won't give you time to take a piss without issuing a ticket, the Knobheads.
by Tractorpuller September 6, 2012
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tis either knobhead reffering to a kbob on your head. Or knobhead referring to the fact you are a head of a nob.
You filthy fucking knobhead.
You are a complete knobhead.
by Luke Czirok May 8, 2005
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A Liverpool fan who cries every time anybody makes fun of there team and then fans think they're models but really they are ugly twats.
Liverpool fan: were are going to win the league and now your going to believe us now your going to believe us now your going believe us were going to win the league

Me: yh and pigs may fly Liverpool fans are knobheads

Liverpool: oh shut up you manc cunt 5 times mk Dons
by Unknownguy12345645 December 25, 2016
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