A guy with ridiculous hair and has never heard of a haircut. Gets all the girls, and is very popular. Can be sweet, but also quite pervy. Really awkward at first, but once he warms up to you he's really cool and nice. He's a poser and he runs with his hand on his hair and holding his jeans. Plays guitar and piano and is great to joke around with. Is a sweetheart and will watch Titanic with you. SUUPPERR romantic, and definitely acts like a girl sometimes. There's always a side about Justice that you don't know about, so don't be quick to judge because there's just always more to learn.
"Hey look it's Justice! He's soo cute" *drools*
by Nloe January 29, 2014
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Is insanely nice she will not do what other people say she just ignores she is a bad af little girl if you become a backstabber to her you will find bullets in yours she is straight up devil if you are a asshole she loves her friends and her family she is not a joke it is good to have a justice as a friend she is smart and always in a hurry
by Moomoo_2356 October 24, 2018
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When you stand forth, like a bolt of justice, getting in everyone's way to apply justice no matter what anyone else thinks or what the cost is. Like dropping a nuke on the house of a person you don't like, or pushing all your friends out of the way to get to a hot chick.
Earl and his friends are standing in a group and they notice a hot chick. They all talk about her and none know what to do. They're all like "holy crap i don't know what to do, I'm a retard." Then Earl fuckin pees on everyone in the group, making them look stupid. He lunges forward holding his hands out to block all his friends, and walks towards the girl and totally bones her.

by thetruth. March 10, 2008
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Doing the right thing, no matter the cost. To see wrong put to right. A step towards peace. Often seen as painful (eg. brought this criminal to justice) yet true justice is heading towards something right. (eg. giving an employee working their ass off a promotion)
"Your culinary crimewave has crashed upon the shores of justice!" - The Tick

"The price of justice? Freedom." - Judge Dredd
by EscapeTheApe November 14, 2012
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Friend #1, "You think I'm going to beat this possession charge"? Friend #2 "I dunno, how much Justice you got"? Friend #1, "Like $500". Friend #2, "Nope, you're fucked".

"Do you have change for this justice"? (As your handing someone a large bill)
by Ulfhednar1312 June 3, 2014
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Justice is what all superhero's eat for dinner. for breakfast they have nails, for lunch they have pork chop sandwiches, and for dinner they have JUSTICE.
Robin What do you want for dinner christian bale... i mean... Batman?

by CharliebitmeT-painRemix January 21, 2010
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