Da weird incomprehensible babbling lingo/slang/dialect dat "seasoned" mariners use when discussing da triangular sail at da prow of a schooner.
I always take an experienced sailor along with me whenever I venture very far from shore in my sailing-yacht, to help me translate the rapid-fire jibberish spoken by the rest of my crew.
by QuacksO October 18, 2019
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Japanese characters (kanji), used not for their actual meaning, but as stand-ins for English letters to make text look more "exotic". It ends up being actual gibberish when read in Japanese.
勹工日日ヨ尺工己廾 卞ヨメ卞 (jibberish text)
by Quartia September 5, 2021
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The word jibberish can be used to express when a person speaks too fast in which the other person can not understand.
"This guy/girl speaks so much jibberish I can't bearly keep up".
by LATINFOX February 11, 2020
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A nonsensical word, that does not appear in dictionaries and uses combinations of letters. for example: audhwejdhwefksfgdig.
Person 1: Ajfdehkewjnrfqweahyputyiaoidwpdqknmnvb,mf!
Person 2: Dude, that's jibberish!
by splatboy March 3, 2020
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the act of being put in a sentece that makes no sense.
i care not for the poop with the car and he got John none no more.
by clayto March 18, 2004
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