Jake Paul is a cheater~"rapper"~and an actually cancer cell.He cheated on a women he did not even deserve.And YouTubers such as PewDiePie roasted him
Why are you dead?
I watched Jake Paul
by Alissa.Violet March 21, 2018
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A man-child that painfully cannot rap. He works for Disney, only because of his attention he received from the now dead as fuck app vine. His fame is from his brother Logan Paul's vines. He has more money than he needs and needs to fucking stop making music.
"Jake Paul gives me cancer,"
by batshitgoth June 18, 2017
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"Did you know there is another word for cancer?"

"What are you talking about? There is no such thin-"

"Jake paul."

by 420Weebtrash69 September 12, 2017
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Jake Paul is a hypocritical, egocentric, lying, adultering piece of scum who has an IQ of a doorknob and bullies people into keeping their mouths shut about how much of a cruel, detestable knob jockey with a massive superiority complex the size of his over-bloated ego, while finding spare time for hobbies such as assaulting women but somehow still maintaining a strong fan base of mentally-defected 12 year old girls who are probably smarter than him. He's an illiterate dunce who's had life handed to him on a silver platter by his equally brain-dead brother, who's made a career out of making hilariously pathetic, immature and offensive videos like filming a man who decided to take his own life while in the process Logan Paul makes hundreds of thousands of dollars off of this poor man's demise. In short, o wouldn't piss on Jake Paul if he was on fire.
Jake Paul: "if you always remain the like the bigger person in life, regardless of the situation... that just shows, am I right? "


Jake Paul: *pushes a girl over because he lost a game*
by Mark Greenberg January 2, 2018
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Have you seen the latest Jake Paul video?
- Yeah, it's trash
by hrist0ww August 23, 2020
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a cancerous piece of shit that needs to literally kill himself now before his parents actually care for him hes wanna be rapper and a white boy from ohio who thinks hes the shit logan is the favorite child cant wait till he is broke and on the streets
person:oh I see jake paul
person 2:HE NEEDS TO KYS
by voltfatabfeoibfuibhsupif September 13, 2017
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