

Increase content of something with beans.

Enhance the Mexican heritage or appearance of someone or something
“That yankee kept trying to get him to bean-ize his chili"
"he hoped he could bean-ize his gringo girlfriend so abuela would accept her"
by Alamoaquaman December 5, 2020
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Rok Barba iz Podbež

-7 cm pp
-height: 155 cm
Rok Barba iz podbež is such a small dick.
by Os podgrad November 22, 2021
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Iz, ipek and kanze

The ones who made me happy whenever I’m sad <3
I just love Iz, ipek and kanze 🤷 ♀️
by Ult9yus May 16, 2022
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Iz's Dick

fucking tiny, it's smaller than your IQ, 100% made of air because it's non existent, smaller than an atom. Smaller than a tictac, it's microscopic, it's miniature; smaller than grandpa pigs train, it's so small that even the itty bitty dicky committee rejected him, I feel like it's so tiny that the bump women with vaginal cancer have on their poosi is bigger than his dick. It's literally fucking insignificant.
Person A: I can't see it, it's so small..
Person B: It's not as small as Iz's dick though.
Person A: Iz has a dick?? I thought Iz was a woman :O
by FezisPluto September 7, 2021
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Ganja that has been vaporised and is now ready to be put in an edible
“I had loads of edible-ized bud left over so I stuck it in a brownie for later.”
by NoEyes February 24, 2021
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by -sanriomilk May 21, 2021
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Ize is thee most beautiful girl you will meet she is funny , kind and beautiful girl , smart

Love you Ize ❤️
by &safey February 23, 2023
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