The singular third-person neutral possessive. Often confused by semi-literates with "it's," which is a contraction of "it is."
by smacktard April 28, 2003
one of many examples why the english language is a serious mess. "Its" completely inverts the common apostrophe rule, where "'s" usually is a possessive term, but here, the word without the apostrophe is the possessive term. the "'s" of this word is the abbreviated version of "it is".
it's its own fault
by A.U.S January 12, 2023
I think so because some people think it’s not an abbreviation i’m making it one to make my life easier.
by hopefullythisworks December 17, 2018
Whoever the fuck wrote "Its depressing how smacktarded people are nowadays. I blame Dubya" as their example for 'its' is fucked.
by geusier October 8, 2011
by Gearwonk March 5, 2010
The state of being "it." The feeling of unnameable joy that accompanies a transcendent, quintessential experience.
The layered guitar picking and vocal melody of Big Star's "Thirteen" are perfect on their own, but when combined with the lyrics the song achieves something beyond perfection: a palpable itness.
by bri_xy June 15, 2011