A made up word from misandrists that has no meaning and is used on men
by Justaguy200 September 10, 2020
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Although formerly having a legitimate meaning, this word is now commonly used to label someone who doesn’t agree with your opinion. It is most commonly used by teenaged girls who are usually white and are almost always in defense of left wing political ideologies.
Jacob: “Hey Emily, you do realize WNBA players create nowhere near the revenue that NBA players do, which debunks the wage gap between them.

by nowdigonthis January 26, 2021
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An overused term angry femminists, soyboy simps, or narcissistic women (mainly on the internet) like to use when you expose them of their BS because they can't take criticism. Sometimes its used properly to addresses a male who hates women because he's a virgin, however it usually is not.
"Wow you disagree with my narcissistic views and behaviors? Looks like I found the incel."
by GrilledSoap December 12, 2020
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an overused term used by feminists to insult anyone who disagrees with them in the slightest bit
Johnny: In my opinion the feminist movement right now doesn't seem to focus on equality anymore but they're now supporting the idea of female supremacy

Amber: shut up, Incel
by z,,,, January 19, 2021
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Short for "involuntary celibate" - derogatory term for a man, implying that the accused cannot establish a relationship with a woman resulting in sex. In the context of a marriage, the wife is exercising sexual deprivation through passive aggressiveness - typically a precursor to divorce.
In public he implies that he has frequent sex, but he's really an incel.
by Run.Forrest.Run January 26, 2022
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A made up word from misandrists that has no meaning and is used on men
by Justaguy200 September 10, 2020
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A word used primarily by obese women who have nothing smart to say but wants to feel like they won an argument. Look for grammar errors, like the wrong use of “your”, when being targeted. The person using the insult is not so intelligent.

Incel uses the “in” from “involuntary” mixed with the “cel” from “celibate”. (In Layman’s terms: They are do not have sex because no person would like to sleep with them. It’s not their choice.)

Synonym: Fuck Boy
Man: *points out a flaw in her logic*
Woman: Incel.
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