the attribute of a human that makes others want to hug them. Usually indirectly proportional to a person's height. Does not work children except if you are a child as well you pedo;(
by AshJacob April 23, 2022
I don't care so much about sexiness, as long as a guy looks huggable.
The teddy bear was still huggable, despite a missing ear and several patches.
The teddy bear was still huggable, despite a missing ear and several patches.
by Ingeborg S. Nordén May 4, 2006
To be overly attractive to hugging.
by xxCheshirexx May 1, 2005
by Your local stupid October 6, 2021
Joel died trying to pass a bumbilical cord
Megan couldn't last without Joel after he died, so she had him made into a huggable urn.
Megan couldn't last without Joel after he died, so she had him made into a huggable urn.
by <Inset Witty Pseudonym> March 3, 2015