someone thats always hanging around in the ghetto typically wearing oversized clothing robbing candy stores and smoke reggies because they are poor
by Durtyy Sanchez August 13, 2009
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a tiny sub-specie of gangster known as "midgets" who associate with in the ghetto and call them selfs tiny gangsters. They generally associate amongst tiny underground groups divising big plans. their small size can leave them untoniceable and untraceable.
That hoodlum packs heat, don't fuck with those tiny gangters.
by The Luigi July 11, 2008
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A person who doesn't keep his promises. One who cannot meet a simple deadline; letting people down in the process.
Chris: Hey I'm going to release a game on the 25th of January.

Warzone: It's been 3 days man what's going on you're becoming a hoodlum.
by Warzone2333 February 2, 2013
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An ex-warez group, shut down in 2005 by the Operation Site Down raids. Primarily crackers of Safedisc and Securom.
Hey, remember Hoodlum?

Yeah! Whatever happened to them? haven't seen them anywhere for ages!

Apparently someone shut them down!
by qwertyacme March 18, 2011
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A slang used for the word nigger
Teacher: Whoever doesn’t have a color pencil is a hoodlum. Or, Pastor: There sure are a lot of hoodlums here
by CheezeTesticles October 25, 2018
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a tiney sub-specie of gangster known as "midgets" who associate with in the ghetto and call them selfs tiny gangsters. They generally associate amongst tiney underground groups divising big plans. their small size can leave them untoniceable and untraceable.
that hoodlum packs heat, dont fuck with the tiny gangsters.
by the luigi July 11, 2008
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secretly cross-dressing Drum & Bass DJ from the London area.Acts all that but is actually wack
that hoodlum only plays the tunes he gets for free,and he wears knickers while he plays them,batty man
by tinaB May 3, 2004
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