1) A group of tight-knit queer meme-loving aesthetic-crazed friends who tell lots of puns and are basically a cult. All closely maintain tumblrs full of cats memes and aesthetics. There's one straight girl in the group who dates fruit-boys or something. You probably won't understand a word they say to each other and you'd think you're on acid if you tried reading their group convos.

2) An adjective of praise given by a member of aforementioned cult.
"Aesthetics bro wow homestead good vibes *sudden deep conversation about the human condition* dude if you were a fruit you'd be a fine–apple swag frickin 2k15 bruh"

"Now this here is some nice homestead"
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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One of your best friends, so close that whenever you need a place to stay you can sleep on this person's couch and/ or bed.
"Yo dog! You my homestead!"

"Really? Aww, you my homestead too! I love you, man."

"I love you too, man."

Passersby: "faggots."
by Datsunsrock September 11, 2010
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Woman-Four hours? Crazy...

Man-Let's get some lunch.

Woman-Lunch? We could homestead!
by Mistah J Napier November 21, 2008
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A school full of twinks snobs and alot of rich kids that hate anyone who is Republican
Wow that kid just cut me off in their BMW dam Homestead Highschool kids
by Dank Ducko April 27, 2018
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A girl who has moved in with a guy because he owns property, plays around the house outside, and trolls on the internet for people to listen to her tripe about 'living outdoors' and 'becoming self-sufficient' when this guy is not at home. Because after all, she is 'totally self-sufficient' pays no rent, works part-time, and lays about, and plays on the computer most of the day.
Homestead Provacateur showed us how to make sundried tomatoes while her dupe wasn't around.
by Rhea Maxmood January 30, 2009
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A city dwelling and garden focusing on sustainable practices through growing/raising food and preserving it for off season use. This can also include things such as knitting/crocheting, baking, recycling, repurposing, etc.
I couldn't believe the amount of beautiful produce coming out of the urban homestead next door, and then I smelled the fresh bread and I was in love.
by AnUrbanHomesteader February 27, 2011
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An act passed by the American government to encourage migration westward. It was kind of a scam because the Great Plains were not very good for farming so the farmers resorted to dry farming. Although they dry farmed by day, they wet farmed at night, needing many children to help work on the fields.
C'mon, babe, let's Homestead Act the entire night away.
by superusa123 January 31, 2014
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