5 definitions by bethannswagmoney

1) A group of tight-knit queer meme-loving aesthetic-crazed friends who tell lots of puns and are basically a cult. All closely maintain tumblrs full of cats memes and aesthetics. There's one straight girl in the group who dates fruit-boys or something. You probably won't understand a word they say to each other and you'd think you're on acid if you tried reading their group convos.

2) An adjective of praise given by a member of aforementioned cult.
"Aesthetics bro wow homestead good vibes *sudden deep conversation about the human condition* dude if you were a fruit you'd be a fine–apple swag frickin 2k15 bruh"

"Now this here is some nice homestead"
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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A list of horrible/aggravating small children whom you wish to roundhouse kick out of your life.
You: "Ugh, we've gotta add her to the Roundhouse Kick List."
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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The most significant revolution, followed by the American Revolution and the French Revolution.
"bro can you remember those times before the Revolution of Bro"
"bro those were the dark ages"
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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an MLG cheeky scrub who gets rekt without even trying
child 1: "oh sam! get rekt m8!"
child 2: "ohhhhh" *waves hands*
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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1) a man–purse
2) a skinny 10 year old ginger boy who crowd-surfs at concerts
"there goes satchel wow look at that swagger"
by bethannswagmoney March 8, 2015
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