1) to be "Hung-Over-As-Fuck"

2) The acronym which signifies that one is "Hung-Over-As-Fuck"
HOAF Guy: Hey boss, I'm going to have to cut out of work early today on account of being HOAF. I must have drank 25 beers last night.

Boss: That's okay (your name), why don't you go home and take a HOAF day to recover. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me...
by HOAF Guy July 17, 2012
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Nicole: You like it hoaf?
Ashley: DUH!
by ChibiNicoless November 25, 2009
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A term used when an individual is intoxicated and attempting to say "fuck off", however the alcohol has created a maximum slur and the result linguistics are...hoaf-hoaf.
Hey Tommy, hoaf-hoaf!
by suppan November 16, 2003
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