Ho out: originally said by hoon, to mean a ho is leaving the current vicinity. Derives from Latin "Hoinum outinus."
by j'sizzle February 20, 2005
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To let your inner hoe out
Girl:I'm gonna ho out this weekend with my ex's friends
by Ggmf August 1, 2018
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When you have plans to meet a person but they never show up or call.
Person 1: hey, did you hang out with bob yesterday?
Person 2: no, he completely hoed me out, I tried to call, but he ignored me.
Person 1: God I hate that, what a bastard!
by green_eyes May 30, 2006
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After anal sex, with feces on the dick, the guy uses the diarrhea as lube for insertion into the next anus!

Also know as "Sliding into Second".
I just fucked two asses in a row. I ran out of lube, but thankfully, I was able to use the "Tuck-a-ho take-out" to squeeze into the second hole.
by second base slut July 3, 2010
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the act of trying to have sex with a lot of people
please don't ho out with your toe out tonight, I don't want you to go home with another random guy
by Fabiolivas April 16, 2010
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To treat a woman like a whore sexually. Specifically to get her to do things you wouldn't want your wife of GF to do.
Hey man can I get with Krissy tonight ?
Sure, after I ho her out she's all yours.
by PROBUM October 26, 2015
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