hee hee

hee hee
hee hee
by thicklemons June 8, 2019
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hee hee

That was the loudest hee hee I've ever heard
by man of all knowledge February 7, 2020
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hee hee

A type of laugh so remarkable, it causes you to make the sound Michael Jackson was known for. (originated by LD)
"That joke Sina made earlier was hilarious"
"I know right, it really made me hee hee"
by nick171095 December 26, 2022
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hee hee

What Michael Jackson says alot... great guy...
It don't matter if you're black or white.. HEE HEE! Aaow!
by Holly - MJ is fab July 23, 2006
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hee hee

A term that someone says when they get high for the first time.
person 1: You looked baked my guy
person 2: hee hee
by jimblejumble April 7, 2019
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hee hee

by MJ August 31, 2003
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hee hee

A very good, high toned voice used to start drama in the mall, center of town, or any place with people.
Attention everybody! Shut the hell up and listen... HEE HEE!
by Punji September 20, 2008
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