the potential result of an overweight person having to endure any of the following life threatening events:
1. too much time without food
2. too much of the same food-i.e. 100 candy bars
3. exercise
"man, if i dont eat soon im gonna have a fat kid heart attack"


"let the boy take a break from running before you give him a fat kid heart attack"
by fadedredwing May 13, 2009
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An exclamation that expresses a generalized intensity, usually, but not necessarily, negative in nature.

Very similar in usage to "fucking A," but with a slightly more negative and sexual connotation.
by Joel A. October 13, 2007
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That strange, uncomfortable pressure you get in the back of your throat/chest after eating too much peanut butter.
"Dude I just ate 3 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I think I'm having a peanut butter heart attack!"

"Damn bro you need to chill out with the peanut butter."
by optimus primed February 23, 2012
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A myocardial infarction brought on by the act of simultaneously hitting cocaine and heroin (commonly known as a speedball). Rhyme for effect.
My buddy John was hitting the speedballs one after the over, then all of a sudden, he collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest. It was a smack crack heart attack.
by s0ulShatter January 11, 2011
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The best way to die. Discovered by Frankie Boyle.
Guy 1- The day I can't get a boner is the day I die.
Guy 2- What?! What about your family?
Guy 1- I want to die having a drug fuelled sex heart attack.
by uwanttruthitellz August 9, 2009
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n. The sensation of angina one feels when consuming ice cream too quickly.
I ate my sundae so voraciously that I started getting chest pains but I knew it was just an ice cream heart attack.
by scabbrain May 10, 2010
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