holier than thou, abbreviated form of
he was known for his h/t/t attitude w/r/t the issues of climate change and personal responsibility
by the late great July 7, 2009
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Loves Asian food and anime is also closely related to Ronald McDonald and will cheat on you 100% would definitely throw in garbage 10/10 don't even hang out with them (not meant as an offensive way to call an Asian)
Dude that M A N T H O T loves anime and Asian food go steal hos bread
by KikMehSIS January 13, 2019
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If she (indicating that it has to be a female of the homo sapiens) is inhaling oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide and methane, then she is a nymphomaniac and a "lady" of the night, whereas she isnt worth it and not to be trusted at any costs
Male homo-sapien1: "Dude, did u see Stacy? She looks hot and she is nice."
Male homo-sapien2: "Nah man, if she breathe, she a T H O T."
Male homo-sapien1: "Really? But she isn't breathing.
Male homo-sapien2: "Then go for it bro, she not a hoe."
by yoshi B O I August 11, 2018
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The art movement related to and used in the vaporwave music clips.
Dude, the a e s t h e t i c s of this S I M P S O N W A V E video is thicc.
by DSCH April 5, 2018
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