by b-rad ndon October 25, 2006
by evil-twinkers May 15, 2003
by Master-O-Slaves August 31, 2003
by eviltwinkers August 15, 2004
This annoying, quiet, untrustworthy, ungrateful, ignorant, indian ball sukin while curry sniffin BASTARD. Also, it plays waay too much G.B. (a korean game even tho hes indian), and speaks with this quiet, almost uninteligable indian accent. What kind of name is Gute anyway??
1.)Oh, look...its gute and hes playin G.B....wot a surprize...
2.)Gute can dance, dance...gute can dance!!
2.)Gute can dance, dance...gute can dance!!
by Dr. Pwn May 11, 2004
Pronounced The "Goot"
Steve Guttenberg. A popular comedic actor in the 1980s. Star of such films as 3 Men and a Baby and the Police Academy series.
Steve Guttenberg. A popular comedic actor in the 1980s. Star of such films as 3 Men and a Baby and the Police Academy series.
by jonthebold July 16, 2009