"Ah've been drankin' 3 big gulps a' day fer every day a' my life, sixteen years straight. Yessir." -blind, toeless man
by vinman11 April 30, 2007
Goyim Gulp or Goy Gulp refers to an extra large sugar filled soda that is served alongside Goyslop/ZogChow to compact as many sugars and calories as possible into one drink.
by Haiiiiiiiii1iiiiii November 19, 2022
Absorbent tissue used to catch the ejaculate after a wafty crank. A large amount of used gulp roll can be found under my mate Mickeys bed. Possibly toxic.
by Captain Zap September 29, 2003
Get the Xtreme Gulp mug.
A drastic upgrade from the " Honorable Sip" Terror and admiration have never been so synonymous with one another either someone has deeply hurt you and your rage has known no bounds or cannot be abated, or the gods have personally chosen you as their vessel of destruction either way a man size mug of any beverage is in order of your honor to receive this.
"Dude, that was just..... Omg I can't even right now that, that was crazy honorable gulp to that!"
" How?! Like HOW EVEN?!, you know what I'm done so done I'll take an honorable gulp to that L"
" How?! Like HOW EVEN?!, you know what I'm done so done I'll take an honorable gulp to that L"
by Echo419delta6 October 22, 2020
A homosexual who frequently chugs buckets of cum, all while facing straight up and making throat motions like a bird.
by Bitch Ass Nigga Bitch September 19, 2017
A Duoble Gulp is an extreamly big soda, fountain drink you can buy as 7 11. It is quite a deal, a new cup is about $1.70 and a refill is $1.00. It also make for a great dildo.
by J.Bendorf February 28, 2010