ground score

drugs you find on the ground at a concert/event, club, house party, etc
Man, Brad is really tweaking; I think that ground score he railed was K
by squid68 December 30, 2011
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ground score

adj. anything cool found on the ground
v. the act of finding something cool on the ground
One lucky night she groundscored a suitcase full of gay porn.
by rockass May 20, 2003
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ground score

Stuff found on the floor after a concert.
Dude I found twenty bucks and I saw a bunch of other ground score, but they kicked everyone out.
by Chris December 16, 2005
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ground score

a half smoked cigarette found on the ground. see snipe
Q: you gotta smoke?
A: naw, i'm living off ground scores nowdays.
by mark dugan September 7, 2005
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ground score

something you find on the ground that makes you so happy that you yell out "SCORE!".
"dude i just found such a nice blender on the curb! GROUND SCORE!!!!"
by fishmanofcod April 9, 2009
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Ground Score

If you find an object, usually on the ground, and it belongs to no one so you keep it.
Guy 1: Hey dude check out this lighter I got.

Guy 2: That's awesome! Where did you find that??

Guy 1: it was a total ground score, it's full of gas too!
by Wittless October 28, 2014
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Ground score

Finding something lost on ground
He found a $20 .00 ground score in charge under that carnival ride.
by Bratt77 May 22, 2016
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