1. A group of people who interact around a common interest, purpose, or project.

2. A virtual community.

3. To collaborate with others, especially online.
1. I collaborate frequently with my groope.

2. I joined a soccer fan groope and made friends from all over the world.

3. I groope with my team every day to keep our project on track.
by CG77 October 4, 2011
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So after eating Mexican, we all hit the bathroom for a big stinky grooping session.
by Mama life lesson July 28, 2015
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MF GROOP is an instagram group chat with some of the prettiest people in the world. They will often chat, but they mainly just send pictures of their pretty faces to each other in this chat.
- Hey, have you heard of MF GROOP?
- Yes. I wanted to join, but I was rejected because I was not pretty enough.
- I could understand why. Everyone in that group chat is an easy 10/10.
by Squinty Life August 31, 2019
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A place for those who have been blocked from groups.
Oh you're a groop!!!

Hey did you see that girl? She's totally a groop.
by Groopy January 28, 2019
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When your $hit is green on St.pattys day. Brings good luck to one.
by The creater of Groop day March 16, 2021
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