the all mighty goeb is the most powerful nut
dam bob has a goeb
by the-mighty-goeb April 30, 2021
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all hail the holy goeb!!!!
all hail goeb!!!!!!!!!!
by biggdaddy69420 April 30, 2021
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When a closeted homosexual man achieves an erection through the pain and loss felt by thousands of people.
I got a goeb when I told my constituents to sacrifice their lives for the good of the economy.
by Willie Wankuh July 20, 2021
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The act of putting semen, orange peels, goat milk and shit in a blender and then massaging your significant other with the substance
Jack covered Cathy with 4 gallons of his warm Goeb Sauce!!!
by Klondyke January 11, 2013
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