by phillip January 28, 2004
The process by which minority groups are forced out of the mainstream either physically or culturally.
Ghettoization of the Jews occurred during WW2 when they were forced to live in only specific areas.
Women's issues are ghettoized when spoken about as 'special interest' and 'marginal' even though they affect more than 50% of the population.
Women's issues are ghettoized when spoken about as 'special interest' and 'marginal' even though they affect more than 50% of the population.
by ~Arianna July 28, 2008
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The opposite of de-ghettoize, refers to the vast influx of poor bad minorities into inner-city neighborhoods that were left to rot by rich white people; later the rich white people realized they missed their cities and began a process of de-ghettoization, which consisted mostly of "running the Richard C. Lee Memorial Highway through it."
by AhmedKazikian January 19, 2005
The process by which afro-american's influence culture and society with their slang, attitudes, morals, values and jive.
The ghettoization of the internet can be often found when viewing afro-american blogs or chat rooms.
I was in a chat room last nite for Afro-men M4F, and heard about 9 dems,dats and does.
I was in a chat room last nite for Afro-men M4F, and heard about 9 dems,dats and does.
by Baltsox September 2, 2006
by November 5, 2003