6 definitions by Baltsox
illness with sympotms such as headache, nausa, bad mood, red eyes, all brought on by drinking bottle beer.
by Baltsox December 31, 2008
Brad slide across the floor near Jack's barefeet and right before he licked Jack's toes he shouted, "toe monster".
by Baltsox August 31, 2006
A type of mens dress sock, often associated with afro-american. The sock is composed of a ultra sheer part usually the ankle and above, and the thick(non sheer part) the instep/toes.
by Baltsox August 31, 2006
The process by which afro-american's influence culture and society with their slang, attitudes, morals, values and jive.
The ghettoization of the internet can be often found when viewing afro-american blogs or chat rooms.
I was in a chat room last nite for Afro-men M4F, and heard about 9 dems,dats and does.
I was in a chat room last nite for Afro-men M4F, and heard about 9 dems,dats and does.
by Baltsox September 2, 2006
is the act of toe sucking. Each toe is a shirmp and the act is therefor called shrimping. A toe sucker can be called a shrimper
by Baltsox August 31, 2006
by Baltsox September 2, 2006