Gerf Gerf Gerf Gerf Gerf Gerf
by Gerf Gerf gerf January 3, 2022
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1. To Fuck something up.
2. The act of cuming.
1. You really gerfed that shit up.
2. I'm going gerf all over your face.
by Cardioes November 24, 2010
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Gay Exclusionary Radical Feminist.
A small group within the feminist movement that invoke feminist issues to be homophobic. They behave similar to TERFs but attack gay people instead.
A common argument you may see from a GERF would be claiming that a child may not grow up properly without a woman in the household.
*tweet of a gay couple holding their new baby*
User1: "It's the misogyny for me"
User2: "How is this misogyny? Aren't you just being homophobic?"
User1: "stfu there is no mum"
User3: "You've heard of TERFs, now get ready for GERFs"
by andpeterson August 6, 2021
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when your gerfing your hating on someone. when you gerf you hate on someone. you can be a gerfer and be a hater
Allie: He's so annoying i hate him and never want him to talk to me again.

John: i know man.

Mr. S: stop gerfing guys

Allie and John: sorry bro didnt mean to gerf
by gerfing hard bro June 8, 2011
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"Gerf-nugget! The camera's broken!"
"Gerf-nugget! I don't want to go to school tomorrow!"
by Lauren Adele March 27, 2010
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One who picks another's nose, possible on who eats it too
That derf! He, HE ATE IT!
by Tory November 12, 2003
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The birth date of a girl. It's the feminine form of Berf, being the birth date of a boy.
You're quite late, little Sally's gerf was last week.
by Mayor of the Galaxy February 23, 2022
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