
Zestiest and gayest and in general the version of Aymane name that doesn’t get any bitches in the whole blood line. Aymane is the male name used globally
Gaymane, pull out his dick from ur mouth, or Gaymane, leave the cats alone
by Caballoscuro May 15, 2023
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A sporting event similar to Marco Polo played inside a pool in which one participant is "it" while the others swim away trying to avoid becoming "it". The main difference between Marco Polo and Gayman is that in Gayman the player who is "it" must reach inside the other players swimming trunks and grab the others penis in order to win. Gayman can only be played by males and is not truly Gayman if any females participate.

There are also several other varieties, styles, and "house rules" versions of Gayman including Hot Tub Gayman, Shower Gayman, and Gayman: Shore Edition. In Gayman: Shore Edition one man stands in ankle deep ocean water with his swimming trunks around his ankles while the other participants body surf in waves with their eyes closed and arms extended reaching for the other player's penis.
I enjoy playing a nice round of Gayman on those hot summer days in order to cool off and "blow" off some steam. (literally)

Kavan is the current Gayman Heavyweight Champion of the world.
Miller and Shawn are the current Gayman Tag Team Champions of the world.
by Our Bock January 12, 2011
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A person or thing showing traits (often negatively) of a homosexual man.
1. That freshman is such a gayman...
2. I can't beleive you made out with that gayman!
by Shiphen December 3, 2007
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A fabulous male who has the powers of skittles and rainbow gods. He's mostly found in his wild habitat ( Inside a fabulous male anus).
Gayman Gayman Gayman
by Gaiban April 17, 2018
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Pulling a Gayman

The act of telling ur friends you are on you're way to said establishment, having no intention at all of even showing up let alone even leaving you're house..

Committing to going places with you're friends, but not even leaving you're home and telling them that you are almost there.
Dude did you call Ryan and ask him if he was coming?
Yes, he said he's on his way.
Right, I'm sure he's pulling a Gayman on us again.

lie lied lies false gayman
by Joshua DJ David June 27, 2011
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gayman islands

1. (n) An imaginary location to which one might make a similarly imaginary trip if one has caught the gay. Used to question the sexual orientation of one's male friends.
1. Man, did you see Rowen tonight? I think he might be about to make a trip to the gayman islands...
by mister butthole August 14, 2006
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Gayman Islands

The original name and meaning of the more well-known slang term (now used in an official capacitiy) "Cayman Islands".
The Gayman Islands is where the British go to stop acting like they just seem gay by way of being British and live their gay lifestyle.
by WonderWumbo October 5, 2021
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