5 definitions by WonderWumbo

The original name and meaning of the more well-known slang term (now used in an official capacitiy) "Cayman Islands".
The Gayman Islands is where the British go to stop acting like they just seem gay by way of being British and live their gay lifestyle.
by WonderWumbo October 5, 2021
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Another word for a "mother", the true nature and meaning of many "mothers" when they lay off their shallow pretense of being especially "good" or even half-way decent, but still expect the mindless privileges and respect with which society usually talks about them. Usually bring the fathers/husbands into an early grave, and wouldn't mind doing the same for the grown children, except for often being gay for the farts of the evillest old-ass brother, most like themselves.
-The evil sowrat can't even behave like a normal human for once.
-I can barely think of or properly deal with anything, the evil sowrat is making everything needlessly difficult.
-Everything the evil sowrat does or says is negative, and it always makes the simplest things impossible,
by WonderWumbo January 12, 2022
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If something is not only wrong mistaken, but also dumb to seriously consider in the first place.
A lot of views nowadays go out of their way to be not just wrong, but also dumb, they are dumbwrong.

A lot of arrogance about certain matters requires an ability to be dumb, and therefore to be almost automatically wrong. This is why it's not enough to say people are either dumb or wrong, they are dumbwrong.

Your contextually popular opinion about an entertainment franchise shows a certain wilful stupidity you somehow imagine to be clever. It shows you are not only automatically wrong, but dumbwrong.

You take some odd, arbitrary ideological views, apparently just to look cool and smart to a bunch of fellow idiots, but with an odd certainty and arrogance. You seem to find pleasure in being dumbwrong.
by WonderWumbo October 3, 2021
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The kind of "personality" of a creature one is dealing with, like mostly online. Generally negative, and more twisted than a personality of a person. Going by its own rules, which are too dumb to even believe.
You have a bad creaturenality.

That behaviour shows what kind of creaturenality you have.

I wonder if there is something like a good creaturenality.
by WonderWumbo January 8, 2021
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When something literally has the smell or taste of an old lady's cupboards. It is not an euphemism.
-An old lady once gave me a KitKat chocolate brar that she had in her cupboard for 5 years, and it literally tasted like old lady's cupboards.
-Is old lady's cupboards some kind of euphemism?
(laughter and hilarity all around)
-No, it is not.
by WonderWumbo October 18, 2020
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