Rather large, moody African American women, in the city of Atlanta, that are in charge of, or in the way during, everything that you must do in a given day. The gate keeper being pissed at the world for what ever reason make it unbearable and almost impossible to complete the various task(s) at hand in a given day.
I was going to go to the bank but the gate keeper closed the line I was in, when it was my turn, so she go on a cigarette break.

I was going to buy 1 banana from the store when a gate keeper cut me off with 8 kids and two kart loads of groceries.

I just got out of traffic court and the gate keeper won't let me give her my f*cking money to pay my ticket. She wants me to go to jail!!!
by fuk$ July 20, 2008
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A very nice man who likes to watch over the territory past his gate. He is very enthusiastic about Johnson's Jimmy.
The Gate Keeper down the street is a Johnson monger.
by Black Magic 69 November 25, 2016
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The Devils Gate Keeper: This is the cross between constipation and sketchy food decisions. You are alerted to this phenomenon by gut wrenching twisting pain in your lower abdomen. The kind of pain that makes you want to curl up in a ball and die. This pain is usually associated with the explosive diarrhea which follows a long night of light beer and Taco Bell. The difference is once you finally crawl to the toilet because it hurts too much to stand, you are not greeted with violent relief. Instead the pain continues as you strain and push with the force to cause a brain hemorrhage until you are finally able to pop the cork of despair. Once this happens you almost die as you feel your soul exit your body via your ass.
So I’m a little bit dehydrated and had ten day old leftover chicken gumbo for lunch yesterday, which caused me to battle the devils gate keeper this morning.
by Pedro11111 April 11, 2019
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The pani tae’s that dont wanna send their shit unreleased🤡
Sotia can i have that hiva ?”
RESPONSE: “Na toks hala sends cos im a GATE KEEPER”
by Chachi tufuga April 30, 2022
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A person or person's who stands guard of there back door but secretly wants to find a good fitting key.
it seemed it was a case of a 'back door gate keeper' when questioned about there sexual preferance
by Major Rummy January 15, 2010
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