A small couch that is very difficult to engage in sexual activity due to the risk of rolling off onto the floor. Can also be used as slang in noun verb or adjective form meaning “risky” or “stupid”.
Have fun but be careful not to roll off the futon!
Adam why would you do that you futon!
by Jonydo March 4, 2018
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A state of being when one smokes intense quantities of weed and/or drinks copious amounts of alcohol, causing an individual to sink back into a futon in a catatonic stupor.

Strictly more comfortable than being couched
"I was futoned so hard last night that I had chunks of futon mattress welded to my back this morning "

"We smoked so much weed the other day that we were futoned for days"
by HelpIlostmysocks February 29, 2016
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