full of sperm

A sexual active guy who has sex with many different girls and usually they end up pregnant!
Maci : Hey did you see that Kelly, Keirsten, and Katie were all expecting!
Jamie : Yeah that would be a result of Chad He's full of sperm and never's hears the word no!
Maci : Oh shit me and Chad were together last night I hope I'm not pregnant too!
Jamie : Well he fucked me last week but luckly we were wearing rubbers!
by JDawg 316 December 23, 2015
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full lick

The full lick is an advance level technique only to be used by grandmasters of the pootang. In one sweeping motion, the user's tongue glides from the bottom of the anus to the top of the vagina. Results May Vary.
by RulerFrancis June 5, 2014
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Full Force

Going (or to go) Full force is when you put all of your efforts in protecting yourself or attacking as if you were going to die.
"Dude, stop going Full Force all the time. You're going to end up killing me!
by sWaG4Lyfer August 2, 2019
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Full Bennies

A phrase to describe someone receiving the maximum allowance from the UK Welfare System. In the UK these are know as Social Benefits, hence being on "Full Benefits" or "Full Bennies"
" Hey Rob, How'd you afford the wedge to run that Japanese whip "

" Ha! Ha! I'm on full bennies mate! Ain't I "
by Dave has skills May 12, 2016
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full boyle

Going full out on a girl that you really like, so much that you scare her away
Dude, I just went full Boyle on this girl and now she thinks I'm a weirdo
by Radioactiveturtle May 4, 2015
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full dumb

To be proud of their ignorance and cannot be moved off their opinions no matter how effective the counter-argument.
"Dat Bi*ch be full dumb!"
by -Kari May 2, 2018
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Full Sun

Haechan's nickname. His stage name is “Haechan” or 해찬 in korean.
Hae (해) means “Sun” while Chan (찬) means “to be filled with” or “full” so that’s why he’s also called as “Full Sun”.
A: Haechan is an amazing singer! His tone of voice really is something else!
B: I know right! Full Sun is amazing!
by hyucksbabie June 17, 2019
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