by Hakko December 22, 2003
adverb or adjective.
Generally a more intense form of motherfucking, used when the subject of your disdain has exceeded the contempt expressible with motherfucker.
Generally a more intense form of motherfucking, used when the subject of your disdain has exceeded the contempt expressible with motherfucker.
by wyldwyl April 15, 2008
Fuckmother (noun) - the mother of all fucks. Having gestated all the fucks in the universe for eternity, the Fuckmother spontaneously birthed all the fucks that ever existed when the Big Bang banged. She no longer has any fucks, or anything else for that matter, to give.
“Joe - I’m fucked if I catch an L to il douche, it would be the Fuckmother of Ls.
Fuckmother - I ain’t got no Ls to give.”
Fuckmother - I ain’t got no Ls to give.”
by JoeBeenTired May 17, 2021