an alcoholic beverage with loads of caffeine. can kill a bitch! guaranteed to get someone drunk off their ass. helllllll yeeeeah
by boooootylicious February 27, 2011
When you drink till you drop, but you don’t drop because you’re zooted off uppers, so you just drink and drink and drink, and possibly die, and drink, and then go missing for an hour, and drink,
“If you’re planning to blow through a whole bottle of Bacardi and an 8ball, invite more than 2 people so you don’t die from the fourloko effect”
“Adderal is not a party drug. Trust me, I got alcohol poisoning from the fourloko effect.”
“Adderal is not a party drug. Trust me, I got alcohol poisoning from the fourloko effect.”
by Lydchovie March 6, 2021
kinley and bailey told me to pull up to fourloko friday.
make sure you bring your sour green apole fourloko to fourloko friday.
make sure you bring your sour green apole fourloko to fourloko friday.
by binley August 28, 2022
The act of duck taping a four loko onto each of someone's hands. Anyone who does this loses complete use of their hands until they finish both four lokos.
by we read books and shit December 6, 2010