The only reason why I'm still here yet. They make me feel alive , they make me happy.

And I'll never be thankful enough to them.
7 reasons why I woke up today
by You saved me November 22, 2021
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When some reasons are so convincing but turn out it's all wrong and misguide people inadvertently.
don't listen to that guy over there, he gives T's reasons.
by Not Professor Xavier March 13, 2019
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An iconic phrase previously used Superstar Cardi B, that is used when someone can not answer your question and is being sus.
The phrase can also be used when u feel that a person is lying to you.
The phrase is usually shouted or exclaimed for emphasis.
You: "Why?"
Friend "..i dunno"
You "What was the reason!"
by ValoraGalaxy December 28, 2022
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When you fire someone from a project to make it easier, because you're afraid you have to get out of bed and do your actual job.
Krista Vernoff : We are letting go of Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw for creative reasons
by 911yeshello May 13, 2018
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Using the actions/mentality of "The Boys" as role models for ordinary daily living and/or social behavior, causing you to frequently make preposterous blunders that create chaos/humiliation to both yourself and any other unsuspecting unfortunates who happen to currently be in your general vicinity.
I don't get it --- I clearly explain to people about my Laurel and Hardy reasoning whenever they object/protest about my choices of everyday actions, but they always just roll their eyes at my innocent "Well, that's how 'The Duo' always performed this type of task in their films" excuse.
by QuacksO January 26, 2018
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The type of reasoning that makes you want to say "yes" to everything.
Are these relevant to the term "vibraphones"? Well, if you put your face between those and blow real hard, it can be a vibraphone. CI reasoning, and all.
by mechanical turkey November 18, 2017
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