When things don't go your way, it is fmitting.
*internet goes out*
My internet is fmitting hard!
by THE COOL BUNNY April 22, 2021
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An exclamatory acronym depicting the phrase 'Fuck Me In The Shit'.

A proposition in which one presents their fecal repository as a point of penetration.
"Fuck me in the shit, that is some good pie."

"This prostitute gave me another VD, FMITS!"
by lewk May 12, 2005
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A person who votes based on false information and wants to bring as many people with him. Stands for False Missionary on Initiated Terms.
Person 1: I'm voting for Donald Trump in the next election because he'll stand up to the Extra Constitutional FBI who rejects his power to declassify documents with his mind. And he'll arrest all of the Antifa and BLMers who attacked our Capital on January 6th.
Person 2: Sounds like a FMIT. Better move along before they hurt themselves.
by bcbmatrix September 22, 2022
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