feeling ill, especially from nausea
Used on CBS-TV show "The Late Show w/ David Letterman" this week by a guest who was describing feelings of nausea.
Used on CBS-TV show "The Late Show w/ David Letterman" this week by a guest who was describing feelings of nausea.
by Nicole Travis June 16, 2006
I feel flurpy today. (could mean just about anything... happy, sad, grumpy, jumpy, etc.)
Go flurp yourself. (hehehe. See the previous definition)
Go flurp yourself. (hehehe. See the previous definition)
by Eric Hughes April 18, 2005
When you dig your toungue into a woman's snatch and you suck the juice out and spit it back in her vagina.
by Derick Ross March 29, 2003
by G_flips November 15, 2019
Hip-hop outfit hailing from Compton, Berkshire, England. They're first album "Killer Streets of CPT, Berks" was universally reviled, but their sophomore release "Omer's a Triflin Bitch" was met with grudging acceptance.
Flurpy Durpy Snurp Snorp be blowin up!
by Bagadagadagadagadoooo! November 4, 2010