Making plans that one does not intend to keep. It is flake planning. The purpose of flanning is to make it seem to the other person that you like them and want to spend time with them, when in reality you are hoping they cancel first so you don't have to see them.
When two people flan with each other, it becomes a game of chicken, each one waiting for the other to break and cancel first.
When two people flan with each other, it becomes a game of chicken, each one waiting for the other to break and cancel first.
Scott bumped into Billy on the street after not seeing him for 3 years. They both enthusiastically agreed to have lunch and play racquetball in the near future, but I think they were both flanning.
by U-dub May 17, 2016
Who Got The Flan?
by REAKSTER;ERKREW January 9, 2009
John Flansburgh, one half of They Might Be Giants. Distinguished by the fact that he plays guitar, but he also writes songs, sings, and directs videos on the side. Is the "showman" of the band, and is generally considered the more outgoing and friendly half.
"I'm more of a Flans-fan than a Linnell-fan, myself."
by fanoflans March 23, 2004
by Steve Patio June 26, 2014
Derived from the Hispanic dessert served throughout the southwest, flan is sexual slang for a near-vanilla person. As you can be straight without being narrow-minded, you can be flan but not vanilla. The BDSM / fetish / leather world has often used vanilla to define someone who is not into any kind of kink. Often it has a negative connotation, so flan is a positive word for the same thing. They may like conventional sex themselves, but they support your right to enjoy yourself in a safe, sane, consensual manner.
by squidgete June 22, 2011